QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Service, support and functionality in general from QTH.com are truly top-notch and professional in every aspect. Customer support comes from real experience, while being refreshing and suprisingly responsive. Definitely a needle in a haystack.

Dan Simmonds KK3AN

I utilized your tutorials and instructions to upload my website. It was actually very easy! I'm migrating from MobileMe and should have moved the hosting to QTH sooner.

Jeff Ward

I have a large website AND a large mailing list, all for less than $5 per month. The list and site work great with never a problem, and I never hesitate to recommend QTH.com to anyone looking for a better web hosting provider.

Jesse, Keepsake Poms

Your SiteBuilder allowed me to do more in 15 minutes than what I accomplished in an entire day using GoDaddy's web site builder. Thank you for your great service and support!!

John Whitt, AI4FR

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

For never doing this before, creating a site with your SiteBuilder was almost painless and fun!!

Mike Alexander, N0BXE

I always receive a prompt response to my requests and questions, even on the holidays! QTH.com has the highest quality of service at the lowest price on the web, always going above and beyond the call of duty for me!

Jenny Williams

I have used many different hosts over the years, and I am impressed with your uptime and minimal price.

Steve Weiss, Webmaster

Most leading web hosting companies talk a good game. QTH.COM Web Hosting is one of the few that walks the walk. Well done! You have my full endorsement.

Don Snodgrass

Thanks so much for your OUTSTANDING Customer Service! I've been in the field for 20 years...you are one of the BEST examples I've EVER seen...SERIOUSLY!!!

Bill Ashby, President, West Valley ARA

Your web services are top-notch. Thanks for the great support.

Jim Reisert, AD1C